Articles and Information Database

Pets can be an amazing addition to any family, providing companionship, comfort and laughter. In return, we buy them gifts, take them on vacations, and

Underwater Treadmill for Dogs?
What is an underwater treadmill? The underwater treadmill is a form of hydrotherapy that involves a tank filled with water that has a treadmill in

My dog has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia
What do I do? Well, first, don’t panic. Having hip dysplasia does not necessarily condemn your dog to a life of crippling debility. The fact

How do I know if my pet needs to see a surgical specialist?
A surgical specialist is a veterinarian who, in addition to having finished undergraduate requirements and four years of veterinary school, has received advance training in
As leaders in veterinary surgery, Chesapeake Veterinary Surgical Specialists are pleased to provide pet owners with a full library of pet medical information from the Veterinary Information Network (VIN). The world’s first and largest online veterinary community, VIN experts are diligent about adding new articles weekly – to ensure their readers have the most current veterinary information available.